
Phished Out - How to prepare your organization for phishing attacks.

Out of the many types of cybersecurity attacks and hacking techniques, phishing continues to lead as the most commonly used attack vector on organizations across the industry. As active participants in the fight against phishing, we spend a lot of time answering questions and educating organizations on how to prepare for, combat, and altogether avoid successful phishing attacks. 

I've collated some of the common themes that we are asked about into three key questions and answers that I hope will help you prepare your organization for Phishing attacks.

What are the most common phishing attack vectors that organizations need to be mindful of? 

This question comes up a lot as organizations struggle to find their footing. The most common attack types we see today are focused on executive impersonation and spear phishing. In other words, deliberately targeting an individual within an organization who has buying power or the ability to make a financial decision. 

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