Email Security Blog

What to Expect from an INKY Trial

What weighs on the minds of those choosing an email security service or platform for their business? For some, it’s cost. Others wonder if incorporating a new phishing solution will disrupt productivity. Then there are those who wonder just how much better this new phishing software will be compared to what is already in place.

At INKY, we’ll lay any worries to rest before your new technology is fully deployed. We do that in two important steps - a live INKY demonstration, which comes first, and then an INKY trial.

If you haven’t already experienced a live INKY demonstration, the details are spelt out in this blog post: What to Expect from a Live Demonstration of the INKY Email Security Platform. Today, however, we’d like to fill you in on what to expect from an INKY trial.

An INKY trial, also known as a Proof of Concept (POC) or Functional Test, gives you the opportunity to see our powerful behavioral email security platform at work in your office. You’ll start by providing some discovery materials, and then an Install Planning Call will determine the best method of deployment. If you work in the cloud, all employees can easily be included in the trial. For those with multiple locations who require on-premise installations, usually, one location is selected for the trial. Either way, installation is quick and easy.

INKY’s support team will be with you every step of the way. You’ll also have a number of tools and checklists to make sure you’re comfortable with all aspects of the platform and know how to get the most from all the technology has to offer. After your initial introduction, the INKY support team will plan for weekly check-in calls where you can share results and learn about additional features the platform offers. Throughout the trial period, you’ll have access to the many intuitive and easy-to-manage features our customers have come to rely on. Here are just a few of the things you’ll be able to configure through your INKY dashboard:

Allow and Block: Review the threats INKY catches and utilize the dashboard’s options for allowing listing and blocklisting.

INKY VIP List: The INKY VIP Spoofing feature recognizes emails that are sent under the name of an important contact, but come from a different email address. You’ll be able to tell INKY about commonly spoofed executives, employees, vendors, and other important contacts.

Report This Email: You’ll be able to brand the landing page to make it more familiar to your employees.

INKY Remediation: Decide if you want your administrators to be able to remove dangerous messages from recipients’ Office 365 and Google mailboxes.

Reporting: Get a complete picture of the threats facing your business on a regular basis as you learn to use the INKY Threat Visualization and Reporting Dashboard Tool.

End-User Materials: Become familiar with the materials you’ll have at your disposal that are designed to explain INKY to your staff.

INKY trials are generally two to four weeks in length. In the end, there will be a wrap-up presentation where your team can review a set of success criteria and see a snapshot of the many findings that have become apparent since your installation. The review will include a look at all of the malicious emails that were caught, including brand impersonations, sender forgeries, malware attempts, account takeover attempts, and the like. You’ll gain insight into the many ways employees benefited from the real-time tips woven into our interactive banners, and you’ll be able to see the specific threats you would have faced if INKY was not in place. From there, moving forward is simply because so much is already in place.

If there is one takeaway that always comes with an INKY trial, it’s SECURITY. The security of your email, and the security that comes with making a great decision.

Take the first step and let us show you what we can do. Schedule a free INKY demonstration and ask to start your free 30 day trial.


INKY is an award-winning, behavioral email security platform that blocks phishing threats, prevents data leaks, and coaches users to make smart decisions. Like a cybersecurity coach, INKY signals suspicious behaviors with interactive email banners that guide users to take safe action on any device or email client. IT teams don’t face the burden of filtering every email themselves or maintaining multiple systems. Through powerful technology and intuitive user engagement, INKY keeps phishers out for good. Learn why so many companies trust the security of their email to INKY. Request an online demonstration today.
